Universidade De Boston
Cursos Faladores Do Negócio & Do Discurso / Apresentação!!!!
Lições Somente - Nenhum Homestay!
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de todo o mundo, de doze a oitenta anos profissionais e não
profissionais adquirem rapidamente facilidade no uso do Inglês
como sua Segunda Língua através do nosso exclusivo método
de imersão. Os estudantes ficam (homestay) nas próprias
residências de professores de Inglês altamente qualificados.
Eles convivem com o estilo de vida americano, interagindo com
famílias americanas em um ambiente onde só se pensa e fala
Inglês, enquanto recebem de quinze a vinte e cinco horas por
semana de aulas particulares e intensivas de seus próprios
professores, na residência dele ou dela. As lições e o
vocabulário são baseados nas necessidades do estudante e
personalizados para atender a cada estudante individualmente.
Nós também
oferecemos programas sem hospedagem em três locais!
"I took an English course with ALP in Boston with 15 hours a
week. I chose this type of course because I wanted to learn
English in a typical American Family and see how they interact in their
home and how they live. I stayed three months in the home of a
lovely lady. Often, my teacher introduced me to other students and
I met a lot of interesting people around the Boston area many with whom
I still have contact. I liked the concept of the school very
David Burkart
Winterthur, Switzerland
"Almost everything that I did and saw there was my first
experience. At first, I didn't understand everyone and wanted to
go home but after a couple of days, I felt comfortable, just like
staying in my own home! As a result I stayed an extra whole month
with my family. With ALP I wasn't only taught English but also
much more. I think that I am changed for the better and have a
much broader outlook more than before thanks to them!"
stayed three times with my family. Living with a family
and having several hours of classes each day is a 10 (10 being
top!). It's a wonderful way to improve one's English
painlessly and discover the "real American
life." During my third stay, I studied to take the
TOEFL test; I obtained a score of 577 our of 587. I
recommend this method."
Benedicte Ghanassia
Paris, France Copyright 2007 |